Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Back!

Today I went for my first run/walk since March. I am five weeks post c-section and feeling pretty good so I thought I'd "test the waters" today (I haven't gotten the doctor's okay yet so shhhhh...don't tell). I did the flat Vista loop to make it as easy as possible. I actually ran (translated-very slowly shuffled) most of it with very little walking. But pushing the double stroller was not fun! It seemed so heavy! I guess it will just take getting use to again. But I'm looking forward to getting into a schedule and slowly working my way back into my running life. :-)

1 comment:

channelmarker said...

Welcome to the world of doubles!! I am happy to say that Victor is back in preschool so two days a week I get to push only one!! The first two weeks of his preschool this year I actually missed the double because for some reason it seemed easier than the single....yes...it took me two weeks to figure out I had 3 flat tires.....