Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Running Revelation!

I have been running on a regular basis for a little over a year and a half now. I have tried to be a "runner" on several other occasions and always gave up. I was running the other day and had several moments that really blew me away and made me realize that maybe I am really going to be able to do this!

First thing, I was approaching an intersection and a car was coming up on the stop sign on the road I had to cross. I did the normal slow down and see if they are going to run me over, and he waved me on. For the first time ever I didn't silently curse him in my head because I love that little 10 second stop in a run. I didn't need it!

Next thing was when I was running up a killer hill in Montclair, going up Waterway towards Cardinal for those of you who know it. I HATE this hill, but I realized the question wasn't if I was going to stop and walk, but just how slowly I was going to run up the hill. My little mini-goals that I give myself throughout a run (I can make it to that street sign, I can make it to that trash can) aren't about if I will have to stop and walk, but about just getting there and keeping on running.

The last thing that happened was that I realized I hadn't gotten that awful burning feeling in my chest, you know the one where it feels like it's on fire? All last year I got that feeling during the colder weather runs, and I haven't gotten it once this winter.

On this same run I got passed by my 14-year-old neigbhor, but I still felt good in the end. A 14-year-old should really be faster than me anyway, right? So I guess the moral of the story is if I can keep going, the slowest runner in the world, we all can!

Friday, January 18, 2008

2008-Not Starting So Great!

So I had big plans when the new year started. I even had a run scheduled with my See Mommy Run friends on January 1st. Well, the sickly bug has found me this year and I'm packing it's bags as we speak because I'm TIRED OF BEING SICK ALREADY!!!!

This year, and mind you we are on day 18 of this year, I have had: vertigo/inner ear infection, stomach flu and now a lovely version of a cold/bronchitis. I'm over it. Today I'm actually feeling better than I have in a week. Thank goodness! Especially since it is less than 2 months before a 5 mile race many of us signed up for and I am averaging about 1 run per 1.5 weeks-yikes! Next week is a new week and I plan on taking advantage and actually getting some running time in, or at least crossing my fingers that it turns out that way!

Does it count that I talk to and have coffee with ladies from the running group regularly? That has to count for something, right?!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Zooma Race-Annapolis ( I copied this from my SMR blog)

Zooma Race-- Annapolis
I have been meaning to post this F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!! My husband and I had THE most fabulous weekend right after Thanksgiving in Annapolis to celebrate our anniversary. Why do I share this? Because that is the exact location of the Zooma Race kick off in June. First off, our plan was to take the haunted pub crawl through the historic district. We made hotel reservations, had the in-laws come into town to watch the rugrats, hopped in the car and headed out for our destination. Unfortunately, I didn't bother to check the schedule for the haunted pub crawl and well, it was cancelled for the Turkey day weekend. Not being quitters, hubby and I headed out on our own pub crawl. But, let me digress......we checked into the Westin which I believe is the hotel being used for the Zooma Race and it is FABULOUS!! I don't say that lightly. When we first arrived I thought they might be a bit arrogant about their "beds", there were pamplets and advertisements on how you could own your own Westin bed and/ or linens. "Really", I thought, how great could a hotel bed be? We got to our room to find it was beautiful; the decor, the lighting and Yes, the bed was inviting with the pristine white linen, down comforter, fluffy pillows to include neck pillows, but still, how great could it really be?? I didn't give it a try yet. We settled our stuff and noticed the coffee maker in the room, which in my experience with other rooms is less than desirable, it actually had Starbucks coffee and Tazo tea. Hmmmmm, we did bring our own supply of mini bottles to include baileys and Starbucks liquor, so why not give the room coffe a try. Certainly the alcohol could make most coffee exceptable. Well, let me tell you, it was AWESOME!! So, with a drink (or two) under our belts we set out on foot to explore historic Annapolis. We found great little boutiques, fun little pubs, friendly people but very few ghost stories. A previous visit a few years ago, took us to other establishments with more sppoky tales though!! Summary of some of the places we visited:
**Our favorite pub/ restaurant by far was Stan & Joes. It had more seating, great staff, fun patrons and great food/drinks.
*Our least favorite was Fox Lair. It was small, and well, rather snooty.
*Everyone recommends Pussser's for seafood and we did end up there at the end of the night but was too tired/ full to eat anymore so just shared an appetizer.
*Another great place to visit is the Naval academy. Being Navy, I love this place. It is right on the water, has a visitor's center complete with movie; a beautiful chapel, an interesting cemetary.....I could go on....
*If you like breakfast, try Chick and Ruth's, this is a little nook that is full of personality. It is a second generation family owned establishment that is very patriotic. They even do the pledge every morning. They have a website to view also.
*Our last visit we sent on a 2 hour sailing trip which was alot of fun too and family friendly.
Many of the establishments have been there since George Washington and the other founding father's frequented them. It is a great place for family and /or adult fun. Basically what I am saying that besides running the Zooma, this could be a great weekend get- a-way for the family or just the girls or anything in between!!
Lastly, in closing, the beds at the Westin are every bit they were cracked up to be. I couldn't believe it!! I didn't want to get up. I didn't bother to look at how much it would cost to have "my own", because I am sure they weren't cheap!!!Sorry this blog is so disjointed! It took me three days. With four boys, it seems that lately I can't get 5 minutes to myself without one of them"needing" me!!Happy New Year gals!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I am looking forward to a fun year of racing and running with my friends and fellow Blister Sisters. In my 5th month of pregnancy I am still able to go at least 4 miles and do my pilates class for an hour twice a week. Now all I need to do is get over my chest congestion and I will be back in action! Until my little one arrives at the beginning of May, I am going to help my 5 and 7 year old train for the St. Patrick's Day 1 mile run/walk at Round Elementary School in Manassas.
My personal goal is to continue with my current training regimen, get my daughters to hit the road with me and complete their race, and then compete in the Backyard Burn Fall trail running series. I'll see how I feel but I suspect that I will do the 5 mile runs, who knows, I may be up to the 10 mile runs.
I will be relying on all of you to keep me out there running! I love our conversations and coffee breaks and can't wait to see how much we improve this year.
Go Blister Sisters!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Back to it!

I feel like I have been a super slacker over the holidays, and it is definitely showing in my backside! I have fit in a few runs here and there, but I need to get back into my routine, and the new year seems like the perfect time. I'm really glad we decided to do this race team so I have another motivator, in addition to physical health, mental health and the connection with the women I run with to get out there on a regular basis. Happy New Year, let's get to it!