Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where were you guys?

It has been a good fall season for me! I have been able to get some great training runs with the group on Tues. and Thurs. I have run 2 of the 4 Backyard Burn Fall trail running series and look forward to the last one on December 7. The baby is now 7 months and loves the jogger! I am so blessed to have kids that enjoy running as much as I do.

All that said, I have to brag a little about the run Amy, Leo and I did in the pouring rain last week! We were feeling couped up and in need of a run and decided not to let the rain stop us. We geared up and headed out in the cold, windy, rain. It was an awesome run. Little Leo slept the whole way and was warm and dry as toast when we got home. I can't say the same for Amy and I but we were certainly glad we ran! Where were you guys?....

I know the holidays are coming up, but I don't want to lose my good exercise groove so I intend to weather the holidays just like I did the rain last week and trudge on through keeping my schedule as close to regular as possible. Anyone care to join me?

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Long Distance Running Partner

Sherry and I may be near each other in North Carolina, but unfortunately not near enough to justify driving 30 minutes to run together. Unless there's coffee involved, then I'll drive hours! We are both struggling to start our own groups down here, but bit by bit we are trying to make it work. We're determined to make it work darn it!

I peer pressured Sherry into running a 10K with me on Saturday and luckily she agreed because I'm not sure I would have gone in the end. I woke up and thought it sounded like it was raining outside. I walk out and yep, sure enough it's coming down. Not pouring, but a lovely steady rain nonetheless. Go to meet Sherry, still raining. Go check in to get our chips and yep, still raining. Standing there wet for military colors, starts raining harder. You get the picture. I'm not a rain runner like many others. Running in wet socks and shoes doesn't do a whole lot for me. Seriously, if Sherry wasn't there I would have gone back to my truck and straight to Starbucks.

We did it though and I'm glad we did. It stopped raining within the first 1/2 mile or so of the race! And as most people know I go for the t shirt and food and they had some lovely cranberry muffins afterwards! And the kicker of the entire day is that I placed 3rd in my age group. No, no, please don't get excited. There were maybe 150 there for the race, so I'm thinking I placed 3rd out of 4 or 5!

And I still got my Starbucks after the race too! Sherry and I lounged while my wild children danced away for the other customers!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Back!

Today I went for my first run/walk since March. I am five weeks post c-section and feeling pretty good so I thought I'd "test the waters" today (I haven't gotten the doctor's okay yet so shhhhh...don't tell). I did the flat Vista loop to make it as easy as possible. I actually ran (translated-very slowly shuffled) most of it with very little walking. But pushing the double stroller was not fun! It seemed so heavy! I guess it will just take getting use to again. But I'm looking forward to getting into a schedule and slowly working my way back into my running life. :-)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hell calling 2~~~ Send back the hair demons!!

Me and Don King have the same "do" now too in this heat......and you wonder why I drink Mojitos and Margaritas.........Where did my salt go?........

Hell called. They want the heat back.

Most people know that I lived here in Eastern North Carolina so I knew what I was getting into when I found out we were moving down here. It's hot and humid June, July, August and most of September. And not just hot, but so hot you need a change of clothes to get from your house to your car from all the sweating; and your windows are steamed; and you feel like you're in a sauna at 6 am. Maya kindly refers to it as "Hot Carolina" and I have to agree!

The difference between living here 8 years ago and living here now is that I didn't run when I lived here before. I did aerobics in a lovely air conditioned work out room and that was it. Now I run, and actually enjoy it! What I don't particularly enjoy is needing a towel to dry off before I even set off on a run. This morning the accuweather "real feel" was 95 at 7:30 am. Seriously? And who was the crazy lady pushing a 3 year old in this heat this morning? You guessed it! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?!!

But enough whining because soon my Virginia race teammates will be putting on their parkas, gloves and hats just to go run, and I will be happily wearing a t shirt and maybe some long running pants. Now running in that weather will be a dream! I just need a taste of fall weather to motivate me a little more these days! Although iced coffee with Sherry also motivates me too when it's 100 outside!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Missing my Montclair StriderS!!

Life at the beach is good, but I miss my "people"!! Thank goodness I have Christa here but we mostly just drink coffee together now. We are looking for local races, however our hubbies are preparing to leave for Iraq and that limits our opportunies drastically! Run an extra Dolphin loop for us!!!

Julie, how is the newest baby??
Jen, haven't seen updated pix on Facebook yet!!
Amy, you familiar with Facebook? hehehehe??
Michelle, thank goodness you keep fresh photos up!!

Love, Sherry

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

More than just Mommies Running

I moved to Virginia 3 years ago from California where I ran with a friend/neighbor. I was looking for another running buddy or 2 because I'm one of those people who just doesn't like to run alone. I was lucky enough to find the Montclair Striders within the first month of moving here and gave it a try. Not only did I get 1 or 2 running buddies, but a whole group!

In those 3 years I went from barely running 3 miles (to my credit I pushed a new baby and toddler!) to now running 2 half marathons, easily running 5-6 miles at a time and shaving my time down to an 8:30 m/m. Sure, I could spout about how hard I trained and how determined I was, but this is me we're talking about! There is no way on this earth that I would have done that by myself. I credit every bit of it to the women I ran with and trained with each week in this group. We aren't a hard core running group, but women who enjoy fitness and motivate everyone to reach the goals they have set.

However, there is much more to this group than training, running, and completing races. Many of us are friends. Not your "hey, thanks for running and see you soon" friends, but life long friends. We get together for coffee when it's cold, we always find time for a mom's night out and the emails and phone calls back and forth each week could make your head spin! When we are doing all this training and running we have really gotten to know each other. We have commiserated on sleepless nights, whether to have another child, spousal relationships, family dynamics, issues in the world and just life in general. We have celebrated birthdays, births, and all those little accomplishments we as moms revel in! These ladies know more about me than much of my family members do (and hopefully they don't spill the beans)!

And so here I am about to move again as a military wife. I knew the day would come to move and normally I take it all in stride. This is move #5 and while normally the moves get easier, this one is by far the most difficult for me. It's because I have made such good friends and I will miss these ladies so much. These ladies have helped to make me a fit mommy, but more importantly have helped make me a better person and friend. I'll miss you all.

In the words of the great Governator: "I'll be back."

Friday, June 20, 2008

Nothing to do with anything!

I am in Edinburgh, Scotland. Normally I am within a 10 mile radius of my home in northern Virginia. Weirdest thing happened. I was at a pub with my brother and this ridiculously drunk older Scottish man is talking to me FOREVER. I seriously had no idea what he was talking about. He was very friendly but it was getting old. Two nice men from Leesburg (I am in Scotland!) come near and save me! Also, my father-in-law was one of the men's teacher and football coach 30 years ago. How crazy is that? Thanks Lars and JJ!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Oh, to run again...

I miss running. I'm now 26 weeks pregnant and I haven't run since my two races in March. I try to get out to walk for at least an hour three days a week but it just doesn't feel the same. After a good run I would be drenched in sweat, breathing hard and feel liked I really worked my butt off. But after an hour of walking I don't feel any of that. I barely break a sweat and generally feel like it was a waist of time. Sometimes I start to jog a little (on a flat stretch or down the big hill on Waterway) but I instantly have the urge to pee (shifting baby on bladder) so I spend the next five minutes chanting "Hold it in..squeeze..don't pee on your new running shoes..". Quite sad, isn't it?! Although my daughter enjoys this short pick-up in speed because she usually yells "Yeah, mommy run!". To which I usually chuckle..which doesn't help my bathroom situation. Oh, the joys of exercising while pregnant.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On Track

I had five extra minutes before leaving for preschool this morning and I thought I'd use it to post since I have been remiss lately! I have been crazy planning this 4th birthday party for my first son. It is amazing how much time the whole thing takes! I was thinking that although four is still pretty little, I can't believe that I have a four-year-old child. It seems really big to me.

Then I started thinking about how I have been out of the workforce for four years as well. I really don't miss working and I don't think I've found my passion professionally. But this thought process was spurred by a high school friend I recently found on Facebook. She's been on the career track and is married but without children. Got her MBA from a great school and is now a Senior Account Manager for a big company in NYC. For a brief moment I had regret for not keeping on that track as well (mine might have been a bit less blazing!). But then I thought about my boys and I knew what I am doing is the right track for me. I wouldn't give them up for the world, and I can always pursue my career later. As they say, you'll never look back and wish you had worked more. And these kids will only be my little one's for a short time, and I'm glad I can share it with them as much as possible, even if it drives me a little (or a lot) crazy now and then:)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sham Rock On!

I love Virginia Beach on St. Patrick's Day weekend. This was the fourth year we have gone down for the Shamrock Sportsfest races. This was the fourth year I did the 1/2 marathon but the first time I did the 8K the day before. My husband did both races, too (it was his first 1/2 marathon so that was exciting) and my mom ran the 1/2 marathon with me. They also have kids races on Saturday. Last year my son did the 1 mile kids race and my daughter did the 26.2 yard dash--which is really hilarious to watch. But all the kids get t-shirts and medals so it is exciting for them.

The weather is really hit or miss in mid-March. This year it was gorgeous on Saturday for the 8K. It was sunny and in the 60's. Then it rained overnight and got really windy and cold. We're talking 30 mph winds and temps in mid 30's on Sunday morning. Luckily it stopped raining 45 minutes before the 1/2 marathon started at 7:00. Having never run two races back-to-back I wasn't sure how I would feel on Sunday. Surprisingly I felt pretty good. I think running Saturday actually warmed me up a bit so I wasn't so tight starting on Sunday. But I took it slow considering my training was more non-training and my long runs were nonexistent. My mom and I pretty much followed my plan though, which was run to a water stop, walk to drink water, then continue walking for about 1/4 mile then run to the next water stop. It made the race go by pretty quick since I was always focused on the next water stop and not so much the mile markers. I won't tell you my time since it was pretty slow, but I will say it was within 3 minutes of my time 2 years ago when I also ran this race pregnant. So I guess I am consistent!

So if you are ever looking for a good race to start the spring running season, I highly recommend the Shamrock races in VA Beach ( Every year it gets bigger and better. Since Yuengling started sponsoring the race last year, it is obvious they have put a lot of money into it. You get great Brooks technical shirts, medals, hats, and LOTS of beer (they give you tickets for FOUR beers after the race--that's a bit much at 9 am, but it's one of the perks of getting up early on a Sunday and running your butt off for 2+ hours!!). So as they say in VA Beach...Sham Rock On!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

St. Patrick's Day run with my girls

Well, we completed our second annual Round Elementary School St. Patrick's Day Fitness Walk. Gina, my 7 year old, Julia, my 5 year old, my mom and dad and I all braved the cold, rainy morning to power walk a mile in Manassas. Julia surprised us all by taking off and running the last 1/2 mile unprovoked! I decided to join her and (regretted bouncing my 32week pregnant belly) but enjoyed bonding with Julia as we ran under the balloon archway. She was so proud of finishing and was grinning ear to ear. Then she noticed the runners finishing the 5K race and decided that next year she wanted to run by the clock in the "real race". When I explained that is was 3 miles and not just 1 she decided that we should probably practice for a while first. :) I guess I will have a budding runner to train this spring and summer! Gina was not too happy to have been beaten by her little sister so she decided to mope and say that she hated races. I had to remind her that some days are good and some are not so good for running races. In her defense she had just recovered from an ear infection and 5ths disease (a mild relation of chicken pox that requires no real treatment as it is a viral infection that has to run its course. The red cheeks are the give-a-way symptom, she looked like she had been slapped. Luckily the redness didn't itch or hurt.) Anyway after bribing them with some eggs and pancakes at IHOP and talking about how cool our shirts were and how much fun it is to hang out and race together I think they agreed that it was a fun morning. I am looking forward to running with them some more and "practicing for the real race".
I am proud of all the virgin BYB(Back Yard Burn) runners who did an awesome job this weekend! I will be with you in the fall, I can't wait!!! Great job!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

First Race! Backyard Burn EX2 Adventure Race

I don't know why, but I was really nervous about this race. Maybe because it was the first race I've ran since I had my second daughter (who will be two in just a couple months). Or maybe because I've never done a trail race before and had no idea what to expect. Or maybe because it was the first race of this whole race team thing and I didn't want mess up. Actually, I think I was most nervous about tripping over a tree root or sliding on a rock and seriously injuring myself (anyone watch LOST?!). So I probably didn't run as fast or as hard as I would have liked to, but with all that said, I think I did ok. I really enjoyed the run. Christa and I stayed together the whole way and talked as usual, so it was just like any other run except for all those HILLS!!!! Nobody told me about all the hills! We run a lot of hills in Montclair. In fact you can't go for a run around here without hitting atleast two or three. But this race, it was one steep hill after another. It was hard! But it felt great to finish and even better to laugh with good friends before and after the race. Everyone did great, Christa, Michelle and Sherry. And our sister team, Speed Sisters, Jenny and Erin! Thanks for a great race.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A new excuse to avoid the cold!

Well, I am the last one in the group to post a blog. Better late than never! Like everyone else, I was waiting for a great running moment to happen so I would have something exciting to write about, but it is just not happening with this weather. I think I have exhausted every excuse in the book to avoid running. There is just something different about this winter. In the past, I always noticed that when I got home from a run, the coldest part of my body wasn't my checks or my hands or my arms. . .it was always my butt. I always thought that was odd considering how much extra "padding" I have back there. But this winter is different. Every time I come home from a run, the coldest part of body is not my butt, it's my boobs. It's like I have two frozen boobsicles frozen to my chest. What's going on here? It is very painful when you're running with the bouncing and the jiggling. I have determined what I need is one of those fleece headband wraps that keeps your ears warm but in XXXXL to fit around my chest and keep my girls snug and warm. So there's a new excuse you can use for avoiding a run in the bitter want to avoid frozen boobsicles! (Sorry if this blog was suppose to be rated G!)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What is up with weather??

I love the on-line log.....BUT......this weather is not helping meet my goals! I am still hauling my butt to the gym treadmill but that sooooo sucks. Who wants to run in place in front of a huge mirror in front of you so you can contemplate how huge your thighs look? PLUS~~~~those numbers move soooo slow. Three miles feels like an eternity. Then you get someone who gets on the machine RIGHT NEXT TO YOU when there are at least seven others to choose from. Of course, this person usually is breathing super hard, wearing blue jeans and non-running shoes while attempting to run an eight minute mile.......... and then you wonder if your workout will be interupted because you will need to administer CPR to his dumb ***!! You couldn't just call out for help and leave since others there know your occupation..................Can you tell I am also PMSing?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Team Slacker

Hello, team slacker here. I've been waiting for a really great running week so that I'ld have something exciting to post but I just haven't had one yet! January was a complete bust, I barely ran at all. I got back into my regular running schedule in February, but honestly, it's like starting all over again. Running is so unforgiving like that. On Sherry's recommendation I started using the running log on the SMR website which is so addictive! I wish I had started using it earlier. Now I find myself feeling a little crazy because it's not a great week for running, weather-wise, but I need to log more miles. And also, I don't want to lose my momentum. I've been working hard the last few weeks to get back into running. It's way too easy in the winter to come up with excuses not to run, but this year I have races to train for! So I need to keep moving. I'll try to be better about blogging too!

Monday, February 11, 2008


My goal is to post at least once each month, so here goes for February! I am so excited to have received all the fun gear I ordered. I can actually get it over my 7 month baby body, not that I would go out in public that way,(especially when my 7 year old mentioned how much easier it was to see how big my belly was in that outfit) but at least there is hope for the future.

I have taken to walking fast instead of running now due to some discomfort but I can still move out pretty quick. I even passed a grandma walking her grandson in a stroller the other day. But I was very moved and highly motivated by my fellow running mommies who came looking for me after the run last week. I even got to go out for coffee with them! Decaf of course. They extended their run to find me which was very nice of them and I really enjoyed the company on the way back to the car.

I am still planning to walk/jog the shamrock 1 mile race with my girls in March. My parents and husband, Blake are going to join us. My father won his age group last year so he is going back to defend his title.
As long as we stay healthy, a little setback this week with a touch of the stomach flu and low fever, I have high hopes for dusting off the jogger and gearing up for the baby's first run in the coming months. I am especially looking forward to fitting in to my new running outfits as well. I love the new logo!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Running Revelation!

I have been running on a regular basis for a little over a year and a half now. I have tried to be a "runner" on several other occasions and always gave up. I was running the other day and had several moments that really blew me away and made me realize that maybe I am really going to be able to do this!

First thing, I was approaching an intersection and a car was coming up on the stop sign on the road I had to cross. I did the normal slow down and see if they are going to run me over, and he waved me on. For the first time ever I didn't silently curse him in my head because I love that little 10 second stop in a run. I didn't need it!

Next thing was when I was running up a killer hill in Montclair, going up Waterway towards Cardinal for those of you who know it. I HATE this hill, but I realized the question wasn't if I was going to stop and walk, but just how slowly I was going to run up the hill. My little mini-goals that I give myself throughout a run (I can make it to that street sign, I can make it to that trash can) aren't about if I will have to stop and walk, but about just getting there and keeping on running.

The last thing that happened was that I realized I hadn't gotten that awful burning feeling in my chest, you know the one where it feels like it's on fire? All last year I got that feeling during the colder weather runs, and I haven't gotten it once this winter.

On this same run I got passed by my 14-year-old neigbhor, but I still felt good in the end. A 14-year-old should really be faster than me anyway, right? So I guess the moral of the story is if I can keep going, the slowest runner in the world, we all can!

Friday, January 18, 2008

2008-Not Starting So Great!

So I had big plans when the new year started. I even had a run scheduled with my See Mommy Run friends on January 1st. Well, the sickly bug has found me this year and I'm packing it's bags as we speak because I'm TIRED OF BEING SICK ALREADY!!!!

This year, and mind you we are on day 18 of this year, I have had: vertigo/inner ear infection, stomach flu and now a lovely version of a cold/bronchitis. I'm over it. Today I'm actually feeling better than I have in a week. Thank goodness! Especially since it is less than 2 months before a 5 mile race many of us signed up for and I am averaging about 1 run per 1.5 weeks-yikes! Next week is a new week and I plan on taking advantage and actually getting some running time in, or at least crossing my fingers that it turns out that way!

Does it count that I talk to and have coffee with ladies from the running group regularly? That has to count for something, right?!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Zooma Race-Annapolis ( I copied this from my SMR blog)

Zooma Race-- Annapolis
I have been meaning to post this F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!! My husband and I had THE most fabulous weekend right after Thanksgiving in Annapolis to celebrate our anniversary. Why do I share this? Because that is the exact location of the Zooma Race kick off in June. First off, our plan was to take the haunted pub crawl through the historic district. We made hotel reservations, had the in-laws come into town to watch the rugrats, hopped in the car and headed out for our destination. Unfortunately, I didn't bother to check the schedule for the haunted pub crawl and well, it was cancelled for the Turkey day weekend. Not being quitters, hubby and I headed out on our own pub crawl. But, let me digress......we checked into the Westin which I believe is the hotel being used for the Zooma Race and it is FABULOUS!! I don't say that lightly. When we first arrived I thought they might be a bit arrogant about their "beds", there were pamplets and advertisements on how you could own your own Westin bed and/ or linens. "Really", I thought, how great could a hotel bed be? We got to our room to find it was beautiful; the decor, the lighting and Yes, the bed was inviting with the pristine white linen, down comforter, fluffy pillows to include neck pillows, but still, how great could it really be?? I didn't give it a try yet. We settled our stuff and noticed the coffee maker in the room, which in my experience with other rooms is less than desirable, it actually had Starbucks coffee and Tazo tea. Hmmmmm, we did bring our own supply of mini bottles to include baileys and Starbucks liquor, so why not give the room coffe a try. Certainly the alcohol could make most coffee exceptable. Well, let me tell you, it was AWESOME!! So, with a drink (or two) under our belts we set out on foot to explore historic Annapolis. We found great little boutiques, fun little pubs, friendly people but very few ghost stories. A previous visit a few years ago, took us to other establishments with more sppoky tales though!! Summary of some of the places we visited:
**Our favorite pub/ restaurant by far was Stan & Joes. It had more seating, great staff, fun patrons and great food/drinks.
*Our least favorite was Fox Lair. It was small, and well, rather snooty.
*Everyone recommends Pussser's for seafood and we did end up there at the end of the night but was too tired/ full to eat anymore so just shared an appetizer.
*Another great place to visit is the Naval academy. Being Navy, I love this place. It is right on the water, has a visitor's center complete with movie; a beautiful chapel, an interesting cemetary.....I could go on....
*If you like breakfast, try Chick and Ruth's, this is a little nook that is full of personality. It is a second generation family owned establishment that is very patriotic. They even do the pledge every morning. They have a website to view also.
*Our last visit we sent on a 2 hour sailing trip which was alot of fun too and family friendly.
Many of the establishments have been there since George Washington and the other founding father's frequented them. It is a great place for family and /or adult fun. Basically what I am saying that besides running the Zooma, this could be a great weekend get- a-way for the family or just the girls or anything in between!!
Lastly, in closing, the beds at the Westin are every bit they were cracked up to be. I couldn't believe it!! I didn't want to get up. I didn't bother to look at how much it would cost to have "my own", because I am sure they weren't cheap!!!Sorry this blog is so disjointed! It took me three days. With four boys, it seems that lately I can't get 5 minutes to myself without one of them"needing" me!!Happy New Year gals!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I am looking forward to a fun year of racing and running with my friends and fellow Blister Sisters. In my 5th month of pregnancy I am still able to go at least 4 miles and do my pilates class for an hour twice a week. Now all I need to do is get over my chest congestion and I will be back in action! Until my little one arrives at the beginning of May, I am going to help my 5 and 7 year old train for the St. Patrick's Day 1 mile run/walk at Round Elementary School in Manassas.
My personal goal is to continue with my current training regimen, get my daughters to hit the road with me and complete their race, and then compete in the Backyard Burn Fall trail running series. I'll see how I feel but I suspect that I will do the 5 mile runs, who knows, I may be up to the 10 mile runs.
I will be relying on all of you to keep me out there running! I love our conversations and coffee breaks and can't wait to see how much we improve this year.
Go Blister Sisters!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Back to it!

I feel like I have been a super slacker over the holidays, and it is definitely showing in my backside! I have fit in a few runs here and there, but I need to get back into my routine, and the new year seems like the perfect time. I'm really glad we decided to do this race team so I have another motivator, in addition to physical health, mental health and the connection with the women I run with to get out there on a regular basis. Happy New Year, let's get to it!