Sherry and I may be near each other in North Carolina, but unfortunately not near enough to justify driving 30 minutes to run together. Unless there's coffee involved, then I'll drive hours! We are both struggling to start our own groups down here, but bit by bit we are trying to make it work. We're determined to make it work darn it!
I peer pressured Sherry into running a 10K with me on Saturday and luckily she agreed because I'm not sure I would have gone in the end. I woke up and thought it sounded like it was raining outside. I walk out and yep, sure enough it's coming down. Not pouring, but a lovely steady rain nonetheless. Go to meet Sherry, still raining. Go check in to get our chips and yep, still raining. Standing there wet for military colors, starts raining harder. You get the picture. I'm not a rain runner like many others. Running in wet socks and shoes doesn't do a whole lot for me. Seriously, if Sherry wasn't there I would have gone back to my truck and straight to Starbucks.
We did it though and I'm glad we did. It stopped raining within the first 1/2 mile or so of the race! And as most people know I go for the t shirt and food and they had some lovely cranberry muffins afterwards! And the kicker of the entire day is that I placed 3rd in my age group. No, no, please don't get excited. There were maybe 150 there for the race, so I'm thinking I placed 3rd out of 4 or 5!
And I still got my Starbucks after the race too! Sherry and I lounged while my wild children danced away for the other customers!
you gals look SO great! it is nice to catch up with u via this blog. i miss you both!!!! love, Shawna
Hey Skinny Mini's! I haven't checked the blog in a while. You girls look amazing! Congratulations to both of you for running in the rain. Atleast it was Carolina October rain and not Virginia February rain...now that's miserable! Miss you girls. xo, amy
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