Monday, February 11, 2008


My goal is to post at least once each month, so here goes for February! I am so excited to have received all the fun gear I ordered. I can actually get it over my 7 month baby body, not that I would go out in public that way,(especially when my 7 year old mentioned how much easier it was to see how big my belly was in that outfit) but at least there is hope for the future.

I have taken to walking fast instead of running now due to some discomfort but I can still move out pretty quick. I even passed a grandma walking her grandson in a stroller the other day. But I was very moved and highly motivated by my fellow running mommies who came looking for me after the run last week. I even got to go out for coffee with them! Decaf of course. They extended their run to find me which was very nice of them and I really enjoyed the company on the way back to the car.

I am still planning to walk/jog the shamrock 1 mile race with my girls in March. My parents and husband, Blake are going to join us. My father won his age group last year so he is going back to defend his title.
As long as we stay healthy, a little setback this week with a touch of the stomach flu and low fever, I have high hopes for dusting off the jogger and gearing up for the baby's first run in the coming months. I am especially looking forward to fitting in to my new running outfits as well. I love the new logo!

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