Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Back!

Today I went for my first run/walk since March. I am five weeks post c-section and feeling pretty good so I thought I'd "test the waters" today (I haven't gotten the doctor's okay yet so shhhhh...don't tell). I did the flat Vista loop to make it as easy as possible. I actually ran (translated-very slowly shuffled) most of it with very little walking. But pushing the double stroller was not fun! It seemed so heavy! I guess it will just take getting use to again. But I'm looking forward to getting into a schedule and slowly working my way back into my running life. :-)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hell calling 2~~~ Send back the hair demons!!

Me and Don King have the same "do" now too in this heat......and you wonder why I drink Mojitos and Margaritas.........Where did my salt go?........

Hell called. They want the heat back.

Most people know that I lived here in Eastern North Carolina so I knew what I was getting into when I found out we were moving down here. It's hot and humid June, July, August and most of September. And not just hot, but so hot you need a change of clothes to get from your house to your car from all the sweating; and your windows are steamed; and you feel like you're in a sauna at 6 am. Maya kindly refers to it as "Hot Carolina" and I have to agree!

The difference between living here 8 years ago and living here now is that I didn't run when I lived here before. I did aerobics in a lovely air conditioned work out room and that was it. Now I run, and actually enjoy it! What I don't particularly enjoy is needing a towel to dry off before I even set off on a run. This morning the accuweather "real feel" was 95 at 7:30 am. Seriously? And who was the crazy lady pushing a 3 year old in this heat this morning? You guessed it! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?!!

But enough whining because soon my Virginia race teammates will be putting on their parkas, gloves and hats just to go run, and I will be happily wearing a t shirt and maybe some long running pants. Now running in that weather will be a dream! I just need a taste of fall weather to motivate me a little more these days! Although iced coffee with Sherry also motivates me too when it's 100 outside!